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Kristín Einarsdóttir Cavan (b. 1992) graduated with a B.A. degree in fine art at the Icelandic University of the Arts, spring of 2021. In her works she explores time and space as well as the concept of bridging two worlds together, being from both Iceland and the Philippines, where the ocean is often used as a metaphor. She works with diverse mediums, primarily sound works and paintings, the sound is often interpreted as a visual object and vice versa.

An echo from another space


Recording from south- and north coast of Iceland


Þú dregur mig nær svo ég heyri í dropunum óma um mig.

Nærmynd af tíma og stað sem ég tilheyri ekki.

Ég finn ylinn af nærveru þinni, jafnvel langt eftir að þú ert ekki lengur hér.

Í fjarska heyri ég enn í þér, bergmál dropanna sem hvísla enn að mér.

Ég flý kuldann sem umlykur rýmið þar sem þú varst eitt sinn, ég hverf inn í tímaskekkju þar sem staður og stund verða að engu.


You draw me in so I can hear the drops.

Close up from a time and space where I don´t belong.

I can sense the warmth from your presence, even long after you´ve gone.

From a distance I can still hear you in the echo.

I flee the cold that surrounds the space where you once were.


© photos: Claudia Hausfeld



© 2021 by MA1 Curatorial Practice

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